Good Gambling Puns

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April 4, 2019

Good Gambling Puns For Adults

Why are spiders so good at the internet? They know all the good web sites. Why do programmers never run the AC? They prefer to open windows. What do computers do on a beach vacation? Why did the man get so sad his computer had a virus? It was a terminal illness. Why can’t an IT guy keep a girlfriend? He turns them all off and on. The picture is not as it seems to be. The geologists are also very pleasant by nature. It is the nature of their subject that makes them grave-looking people. They also cut jokes and puns with their relatives and loved ones. Here, I am going to list a few best puns and jokes related to geology.

  • An old man had a gambling problem not a bad one but a really good one. He was depositing thousands each day. A few months pass and seeing as the old man had no job was contacted by the IRS to discuss his income.
  • Jun 22, 2018 The topics for this week’s puns and one liners is gambling jokes. I should add that I’m not much of a gambler; the biggest wagers I seem to make are playing 2p machines at seaside resorts, so I am far from an expert in the topic.

Every day this week we’ll be highlighting classic and cutting-edge Jewish comedy. L’chaim!

Dare to search “Jewish Jokes” on the ole’ internet search engine and you’ll find a whole lot of extremely cool, very original jokes about the Holocaust, and money-grubbing, and overbearing mothers. Ah yes, thousands of years of culture and tradition, distilled! Ah, our peals of laughter!

Scroll far away from that hateful racket and join us here at the scene of the classics — jokes told by Jews, about Jews, that gently mock, rather than discriminate against, Jews. These are jokes that have been told and told again in the Borscht Belt and at the bridge table.

1. The waiter joke

Good Gambling Puns Funny

A group of five Jewish women are eating lunch in a busy cafe. Nervously, their waiter approaches the table. “Ladies,” he says. “Is anything okay?”

2. The desert island joke

A Jewish man is shipwrecked on a desert island. He’s stuck for years! Using materials from around the island, he builds a house, a store, and a synagogue. Eventually, he’s made a whole neighborhood.

One day, he’s rescued by a passing ship. The sailors help him collect his few possessions and get ready to leave the island forever. Just before they leave, one of the sailors says, “Hey! Why’d you build two synagogues?”

The man rolls his eyes. “This,” he says, pointing at one building, “Is my synagogue.”

“And that,” he says, pointing at the other, “Is the one I would never set foot in!”

3. The (loving) Jewish mothers joke

Three Jewish mothers are sitting on a bench, arguing over which one’s son loves her the most. The first one says, “You know, my son sends me flowers every Shabbos.”

“You call that love?” says the second mother. “My son calls me every day!”

“That’s nothing,” says the third woman. “My son is in therapy five days a week. And the whole time, he talks about me!”

4. The rabbi joke

Good Gambling Puns Meaning

Good Gambling Puns

A synagogue has a mice problem. The custodian tries traps, bait, mice, everything. Nothing works. Finally, he goes to the rabbi and explains the problem. “I have the solution,” the rabbi says. “Well, what is it?” says the custodian. “It’s a foolproof plan,” the rabbi says, smiling. “I’ll give them all Bar Mitzvahs — we’ll never see them again!”

Good Gambling Puns Memes

5. The Israeli joke

A group of people standing on a subway platform — an American, a Russian, and an Israeli. A reporter approaches and says, “Excuse me, can I get your opinion about the meat shortage?”

“What’s a shortage?” says the American.

“What’s meat?” says the Russian.

“What’s excuse me?” says the Israeli.

6. The other rabbi joke

A rabbi is harboring a secret — she has always wanted to try pork. One night she drives across town to the furthest restaurant from her shul and orders an entire suckling pig. Just as the waiter sets down the full roast pig with an apple in its mouth, she sees a group of her congregants has walked in and is watching her, mouths open. The rabbi widens her eyes, “So nu, what kind of place is this?” she says. “You order an apple and look how it’s served!”

Apr 1, 2019