In Poker What Does Running It Twice Mean

In Poker What Does Running It Twice Mean Average ratng: 3,4/5 4927 votes

Recently, I've heard people talk about 'running it twice' in poker games. What does this mean?

Running it twice is like doubling the number of times the situation occurs. As the number of trials increases the likely-hood of your actual win rate being close to your expected win rate increases. In very large pots, very rare events, like a player hitting a 1 outer can have a large effect on your overall win rate. In this video we examine the effect of 'running it twice' in poker. For more information on this game click on the link below: Poker Tutorials: https://www.y. Poker runs use the rules of poker to determine who has the best hand, but it always comes down to chance when deciding a winner. If you are looking for a fun day out and a new way to meet like-minded people, you could find out when the next poker run is taking place near you. How Does a Poker Run Work?


  1. When players go all-in, typically for large pots in large cash games, you will often hear one player ask the other whether he/she wants to run it twice (or sometimes three or more times). If and only if the other player(s) agree and if the casino allows it, the dealer will deal the cards twice. If for example, this happened pre-flop, the dealer will deal two complete boards a flop, a turn, and the the river card using the same process he/she uses to deal one board (same number of burn cards) using the same deck without reshuffling. If it occurs post-flop but before the turn or river card then the dealer will deal two sets of turn and/or river cards respectively. The winner is then determined looking at the results of the boards if a player wins one board and loses the other then the pot is chopped in half.

    Players do this to manage risk and many casinos allow it but usually only in 'time-rake' games. In a time-rake games, typically the bigger cash games, typically every half hour on a dealer change the dealers will collect X$ (5/6/7 or more) from every player. Running the board twice or more takes more time and that's why its typically not allowed in standard pot raked games (where the rake is taken out as a percentage of each pot).

  2. Thanks for the info fish. I knew what it meant, however, I did not know about the preflop and post flop difference.

  3. Know of any games in Vegas that allow this? I think it'd be cool to see it at some smaller games; maybe $2/$5nl.

  4. @robustus yeah id like to see this in more games too

  5. I've found that most $6/$10 NLHE 'time-raked' or higher stakes games in Vegas allow this - I play the Wynn 5/10 all the time and they allow running it up to three times

  6. Message to the PokerAtlas guys - I know you guys are hard at work adding cash games soon - adding a 'run-it-twice' field to your cash game database detail would be really cool

  7. @fish169 Good idea! Unrelated, but I think whether or not 'cash plays' at a given game should also be noted.

  8. @DanMcArdle How about cell phones permitted at the table?

  9. @GameChanger Indeed, that too! There's a bunch of detail on cash games that it'd be nice to see in one place...

  10. Great ideas guys. Notes taken! Thanks for the suggestions.
    In general, most (if not all) casinos in LV allow cash to play in the form of $100 bills only. Conversely, no casino that I know of in Louisiana allows cash to play. So there is definitely disparity from state to state.

  11. @BentonBlakeman Doesn't that depend on stakes? I don't recall seeing many benjies on $1/$2NL tables in Vegas, but I haven't played in too many recently...

Questions Posted in TableTalk

Mar 19, 2007 Yes, reducing variance by making that possible is the point of 'running it twice', and what happens is: they split the pot. Do they agree on running it twice usually before or after they eachothers cards? The game of poker is a card game played among two or more players for several rounds. There are several varieties of the game, but they all tend to have these aspects in common: The game begins with each player putting down money allocated for betting. During each round of play, players are dealt cards from a standard 52-card deck, and the goal of each player is to have the best 5-card hand at.

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In Poker What Does Running It Twice Meaning

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